Shortcut Menu for Image

When working with a project you are allowed to use shortcut menus on such objects as text, lines, rectangles, images, ole-objects, and ellipses.

To display shortcut menu for an image:

* Using the Selection Tool () select an image you want to work with and right-click it. The shortcut menu as shown in the example below appears.

Example of Shortcut Menu for Image

The shortcut menu elements for images are described below:


When clicked places the selected image into Clipboard and deletes it from your design.


When clicked places the selected image into Clipboard.


When clicked places an image from Clipboard into the insertion point.


Allows you to remove the selected image from your design.

Bring to Front

Allows you to place the selected image on the top of other objects. For details refer to the section titled Manipulating Object Position.

Send to Back

Allows you to place the selected image on the bottom of other objects. For details refer to the section titled Manipulating Object Position.

Move Up

Allows you to place the selected image one level up within the layer relative to other objects. For details refer to the section titled Manipulating Object Position.

Move Down

Allows you to place the selected image one level down within the layer relative to other objects. For details refer to the section titled Manipulating Object Position.


Displays the Image Properties dialog, which allows you to view or change properties for an image. For further information refer to the section titled Managing Image Properties.